We pride ourself on our amazing company culture. We’d love for you to take a look at what we’ve been up to!

How did your holidays go? Our Team in the Philippines had a jampacked month, preparing for business reviews for 2021. We also had a great time with colleagues during our Virtual Christmas party. Plus, our leadership team delivered gifts to the Virtual Assistants from our neighboring regions, and they survived a storm! It was indeed a December to remember.
As we all start a new year, we thought it was only fitting to share the events during the month. We are presenting them to you in our Core Values order. We hope that you enjoy this last newsletter for the year.

The Pilgrims endured through challenges and persevered to get the taste of freedom and prosperity. Hundreds of years later, just like the Pilgrims, we are plowing through challenges to achieve our goals for the promise of a good life.
Like the Pilgrims, we can also help each other grow something sustainable for the people relying on our success. Carrying that mission out can be exhausting, frustrating – sometimes, it is too much of a burden. To lighten the baggage, one should always ask themselves at the end of their day this question: “What are you thankful for today?”. The answers to this question can instantly lift spirits.

Culture Differences: How is our Halloween different from our team members in the Philippines? As we celebrate with our pumpkin decorations, trick or treats, scary costumes, and street parties, our friends across the pond celebrate this special occasion by visiting the cemetery with their families to remember our departed ones.
The Philippines, being colonized by the Spanish for hundreds of years, have adapted their beliefs and traditions. One of those beliefs is that the departed loved ones come to visit the living once a year. This event is called the All Souls Day (November 2), but relatives start setting up tents on October 31 and staying in the cemetery with the whole family to share food and drinks until All Souls Day is over.

This season brings a much-needed mental break from all the hardship that the country has experienced amid this pandemic. For Filipinos, lighting that one Parol (a Christmas lantern lined with lights, traditionally made with capiz shells) in front of the house can lift the spirits of everyone who sees it.
Parol is a symbol of hope and joy which is the very same thing that you, our clients, brought to the lives of your VAs and their families. So check out how our VAs spent their September.

Our employees are the reason why our organization is able to participate in philanthropic efforts in the Philippines that puts food on the table of locals who have run into hard times during the pandemic. We celebrate you as we are celebrating the World’s Humanitarian Month.
“The destiny of world civilization depends upon providing a decent standard of living for all mankind.”– Norman Borlaug

As you know, the charitable arm of Outsource Access is a program called ‘Virtual Assistants Give Back’ and this year we have been laser focused on impacting the community in alignment with each of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. (UNSDGs)
This month, we’d like to highlight a few of the UNSDGs, including supporting National Disability Independence Day. The day not only celebrates the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act but also serves several other purposes. First, the law broke down barriers individuals with disabilities faced every day. It also marked a timeline of change that soon developed. Over time, common barriers such as narrow doors and small bathroom stalls became accessible to wheelchairs. Other examples include braille signs and crosswalks for the vision impaired. The changes improved mobility and safety.

Welcome to the June 2021 edition of Culture Corner! Our organization prides itself on our commitment to our core values – one of them being ‘Everlong Quest for Improvement.’ We love supporting activities that will both strengthen and fuel our employees’ desire to be better. We talk about these activities and more as you read on.
Also in this edition, we feature one of the most beloved employees in our organization, not only because of his commitment to the company, but because he exudes continuous and contagious positive energy. How does he sustain this? Read on.

In this edition of Culture Corner, allow us to show you how we continue to strive to stay true to our Core Values. One of the Core Values that keeps us going is Gratitude and what better way to show this than by giving back to the community. Staying true to our commitment to the UNSDG Goal #2 which is Zero Hunger, we have partnered with an organization that aims to give hope to the hungry.

Welcome to another edition of the Culture Corner, where we give you an inside peek at what we do beyond the daily operations.
As we celebrate Earth Day on April 22, we figured this is the best time to share with you the 5 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that we strongly advocate. Good Health and Well-Being, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Life on Land and Climate Action. We always look back on these goals to guide us with our decision-making. We always ask ourselves, how/who this will impact and how this can make a difference.

In this edition of Culture Corner, we’d like you to get to know us a little better.
One of our missions is to give equal opportunity to those who are striving to make their lives better in an economically challenged country. When hiring people and deciding who to promote, we only look at what’s important – skills, attitude, and their drive to succeed – nothing more.
Looking at our Organizational structure, it is amazing to see more women in the leadership role, reflective of our guiding principles.
We’d like you to get to know the woman behind Outsource Access – Jaycel Demoguitan.

February is known as the month of love! In this edition of Culture Corner, as we hit 265 employees at Outsource Access, we are showcasing just how much love we enjoy pouring into our employees through gratitude. Working virtually can mean a feeling of solitude, and we work to make sure our VAs feel a part of a team every day. This is why we built an ecosystem where our teams feel supported and nurtured, giving an extra emphasis on “communication” and the attitude of gratitude.

In this edition of the Culture Corner. We’d like to show you how the team is using a new communication tool to complete projects and tasks efficiently. Adapting to changes that the company’s growth brought upon, yet still staying true to our Core Values – Gratitude, Relationship Driven, Ever longing Quest for Improvement and Thoughtful Communicators.
Also in this edition, see how our management conquered the distance to deliver some cheers to some of our VAs living hours away from where the main office is located.

In this edition of Culture Corner where we show you behind the scenes at Outsource Access, we bring you some holiday cheer!
Come check out the photos from our incredible holiday party with nearly 170 in attendance with talent contests, speeches, and top award winners for the year!
You will LOVE some of these pictures showing the faces and families behind Outsource Access (and some pretty amazing pajamas too!) And check out the brand new referral program we just launched at the bottom. Happy Holidays and Take Care

At Outsource Access, the key to our rapid growth over the last year has undoubtedly been our culture and we would like to give you an inside look. From monthly in-person trainings, to dinner outings to virtual TikTok competitions, our culture helps ensure that we give you the best experience possible.
We are going to be delivering this “Culture Corner” newsletter to you every few weeks to catch you up on what’s been going on behind the scenes. You, too, are a part of our family.
