Get Started - Outsource Access
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Get Started

Our Process

Needs Assessment

You will be required to answer a questionnaire to identify your outsourcing requirements.

Discovery Call

You will be required to answer a questionnaire to identify your outsourcing requirements.

VA Matching

Outsource Access will provide you with the top 3 candidates based on your requirements.

VA Interviews

Outsource Access will facilitate the interview with you and the selected VA. This normally takes 30 mins to 1 hour which would help determine if the VA would be fit in terms of personality and your working environment and culture.

VA Interview Evaluation

Outsource Access will send an evaluation form to get your feedback from the interview and determine the next steps.

Service Agreement
Signing and First
Month Payment

You will have to sign the service agreement electronically and pay for the first month and pay for the first month via a custom cart link provided by the Outsource Access Sales Team.

VA Bootcamp

Outsource Access will provide the essential training to VAs which includes Language, Tools, and Skills.

VA Onboarding

The Outsource Access Operations Team will facilitate the onboarding with the VA. Email accounts, passwords, Virtual Desktop (if needed) will be set up during this time.

Day to Day with VA

You will now start working with your VA. Outsource Access Operations Team (Team Leaders, Operations Manager, Head of Operations) will help you manage your VA at different levels respectively.

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