Culture Corner May 2022 - Outsource Access
Culture Corner May 2022 Header

In this Culture Corner, we want to take you back to how it all started. We also want to share some photos of the first physical gathering to celebrate our anniversary after a 2-year lockdown. 

And oh! We are moving to a bigger and better place to serve you better. 


Our theme for the year: Ubuntu; I am because we are. This theme was launched during the 3rd Anniversary celebration to remind everyone in the company how individuals can impact the people they interact with and collectively how one’s contribution to the community can change the world. 

The theme also reminded us that Outsource Access was created to provide a dedicated solution to entrepreneurs in 3 keys areas: Risk, Lack of Knowledge, and Sustaining Setbacks. We also aim to make an impact in struggling communities by providing sustainable jobs for people from all walks of life. This work is guided by the UNSDG Goals, allowing us to significantly impact underserved communities through targeted strategies that lead to sustainable change.

Up to this day, we remain committed to making a difference in our communities through our VA Giveback activities. 

VA Giveback

In December 2021, Typhoon Odette hit the Philippines, affecting substantial parts of Visayas and Mindanao. After seeing how this affected our nearby communities, our staff expressed their desire to help the victims. VA Give Back, Outsource Access’s charitable arm, was then activated. 

There were areas not easily accessible through regular transportation, so help was scarce. We decided to send aid to two islands which were severely damaged. Our employees packed hygiene kits with other necessities and partnered with Liceo University, College of Law, to make this giveback happen.


In April 2019, Brad Stevens set foot in the Philippines for the first time. The main reason for this trip is to visit several facilities in the Philippines and finally meet the core team.

They visited 15 facilities that have been in the industry for more than a decade, managing 500+ employees in Luzon. Eventually, Brad decided to place the headquarters in a less crowded City so the employees could have a better work-life balance.

It proved to be a fruitful visit as Outsource Access was established weeks after the trip.


It all began in August 2017, when Jaycel first worked with Brad as his virtual assistant. Three years after, Outsource Access scaled up into becoming a growing outsourcing company, where she became the Chief Operating Officer.

Rolando III, or Third, as fondly called by his colleagues, started working with Brad and Jaycel in 2018, making him part of the OA’s core team. He mainly works in helping and conducting discovery calls to educate clients about the services and process.

Jake joined the core team in March 2019, and his primary task is to make client onboarding a great experience. He coordinates between clients and VAs in handling requests and resolving complaints.

When OA was established in the summer of 2019, Alyssa became a part of the team to oversee all facets of employment practices and employee relations. Now, she is in charge of identifying and hiring quality Virtual Assistants as the competitive job markets rapidly evolve.


From Four Employees in August 2019 to more than 430 employees in May 2022 there is no denying that Outsource Access’ growth is exponential and is attributed to one of its Core Values, which is the Everlong Quest for Improvement. 

Making a mistake is not a failure as long as we learn something from it; this is true with life as with dealing with a start-up organization. We are not perfect, but we learned and grew with your trust in our ability to make things right.

Thank you. 


As Outsource has grown to 430 employees, we have outgrown our first office. Our goal was to move to a more modern and cozy office. Although most of our employees work remotely, we want to give them an option to use a facility for a change in environment. This office is also part of our business continuity plan, ensuring that internet connectivity and blackouts will no longer be an issue.  

The video on the left is the new office plan. Stay tuned on our Social media platforms as we will give you a weekly update on the construction progress until our office reveal.


Communication is basic yet an essential component for a team to work effectively. In a remote environment, communication is taken for granted as people tend to work on their own and isolate themselves, often forgetting that a team is behind them for support. 

The goal for the recently concluded Trust Building is for all the leaders to develop the “Thoughtful Communication” skill. Thoughtful communication is taking the time to consider how your words will affect others. It means speaking and listening with intention and ensuring our message is clear. When we communicate thoughtfully, we’ll build trust, respect, and cooperation within the team. 

Although we went home exhausted from all the activities, it was well worth it. Along with the Best in Business Plaque, we took some valuable lessons that we can apply to the business to serve you better. 


In a country where daycare is rare and expensive, women with children sometimes have to make the ultimate sacrifice of letting go of their careers to stay home and care for their children. 

This unfair choice is a more significant problem in underdeveloped communities because women will be forced to give up on their dreams. The average household income also decreases, setting them under the poverty line. For this reason, Outsource Access is passionate about supporting UNSDG #8. Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. With your help, we gave these Mothers an option to pursue their dreams while nurturing their young ones in the comfort of their own homes. 

The video on the left showcases the Mothers in Outsource Access. 


Every month at Outsource Access we provide companywide employee education on different topics with a series called ISOF “In Search Of” – part of our Core Value of “Everlong Quest for Improvement.” This month the topic was on Climate Action: Environmental Awareness in the Workplace and How Everybody Can Be Part of the Solution” 



Would you like to get paid to refer our services?

We’ve recently launched a new advocate portal that makes it very easy to refer friends and family.

The best part? You get $250 deposited into your PayPal for every successful referral, AND they get $100 off of our services.

(NO, they won’t know you will get compensated unless you tell them)

Click here and get started in 3 easy steps