uscentralconnections - Outsource Access

Presenting the EO US Central Region
1-ON-1 Member Connections Program

(See Video, Details and Opt-In Below)

1-On-1 Chord

EO US Central is the FIRST to bring this program to the entire region!

But you have to opt-in by Thursday July 13th to participate – see details below!

Something brand new is coming. And you’ll want in.  What’s one of the biggest values in EO?  Knowing more EOers right?  

When two EO members connect, value is immediately created in so many ways:

  • An insight to a key problem
  • An amazing book/podcast share
  • Leadership insight or experience share of an EO program (EMP, RLA, etc)
  • Vendor referral, a parenting strategy, an intro to a key relationship
  • Or dozens of other ways EOers create value together!

We want this to be THE YEAR US Central members get connected better than ever with other members in the region with 1-on-1 connections. 

Think of it is a on ongoing “Automatic Member Engagement Tool”

And they will be done with members OUTSIDE your own chapter so just a convenient Zoom/Virtual session.

How does it work?

Welcome to the  “EO US Central 1-ON-1 Connections Program” 

Once a month get an email connection to another EO US Central Member outside of your own chapter to build connection and relationships. The intro email will list each of your mutual information you will provide and you can opt-out any time! 

This program has been running among EO chapters globally with huge success and now we’re the FIRST in EO to bring it into an entire region!

Where did it come from?

This program is provided by EO Member Brad Stevens with Outsource Access providing talented virtual staff from his VA firm in the Philippines to execute the program with technology created by EO Member Jason Rhoades and his firm Toolbox 9!  Created out of necessity during Covid to connect members at  their own chapter, word spread and chapters globally use it to keep members connected!

Now 30 chapters globally are running it from EO New Zealand to EO Arizona – over 13,000 EO Connections made so far!

See the short video above where Anthony and Brad share how it works!

Want to run 1-ON-1 Connections just within your EO Chapter for members and SAP’s? Just email