VAB Process Old - Outsource Access
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Please Review this Brief Introduction and See the Video Below:

We are a fully managed outsourcing and virtual services firm from the Philippines where English is their second language and a completely Americanized culture. Our team is full-time with us. We don’t match you up and walk away.

A big difference in our model? You get a vetted Virtual Assistant who does most of the work directly and if there is anything outside of his or her core skill set we have over 200 tactical skill staff supporting them.

And the VA manages ALL the work so you have one point of contact. We offer high-quality and affordable sales, marketing, operations, bookkeeping and other key support functions for small business and entrepreneurs.

We truly care for our employees and culture is a key advantage of working with Outsource Access.

Step 1:

If you are serious about this path, you want to watch this video below. I took what I have explained during hundreds of “how does this work” phone calls and laid it out step-by-step. I answer ALL your key questions. We get GREAT feedback on this video. Snag a coffee and check it out.  You get 10 years of experience in 20 minutes. I promise.  It’s worth it.

Step 2:

Or, if you need more information on how we can help your organization, check out these options.

Scroll down to learn more about our process

Want to see what a VA can do?

Watch this short video to know the limitless posibilities of things you can outsource.

Outsource Access Virtual Matching Process



Our Team works around the clock to constantly vet, test, and interview top tier talent. We have a rigorous candidate selection process to ensure that we are offering you the best of the best.



We use our signature needs assessment system to identify your most critical outsourcing needs that will have the highest impact on your business.



  • We use our custom matching system to search our database for a VA match in terms of personality, skills, and industry knowledge.
  • We provide you with a set of VAs to interview who are great matches for your unique business.



We work with you to create a full onboarding game plan to get your VA up to speed and managing your tasks for yo u! Together we will highlight the projects that will have the highest impact to offload onto your VA immediately.



We hold weekly training sessions with your VA to introduce the latest tools and techniques to your VA so they can apply them to your business. 

Rob Shotwell shares how his Virtual Assistant Kaye changed his life and his business

Why the Philippines

This Was discovery trip to deside where to base or oprations for QA

Behind The Scenes

Our Team Buildings and Trainings. Staying true to our Core Values.

More team videos here.

Top 200 Tools to Fuel Your Business Growth

Want access to the top 200 free or low cost tools to fuel your business growth? Click here to get the report delivered to your inbox.


How We Identify and Retain the
Best VA’s in the Market

Recruitment And Vetting

We have a full recruitment team on-site in the Philippines to identify ideal Virtual Assistants who meet our criteria. Outsource Access has a reputation that attracts the best talent in the market via multiple sourcing channels and networks to maintain an active pool when Clients are ready to engage.

Candidates submit resumes, cover letters and credentials to our Recruitment Managers

Testing– Candidates must pass and meet specific criteria with a series of assessment including:

  • Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
  • Emotional Intelligence for Self-Awareness, Social-Awareness, Self-Management, and Relationship Management.
  • Personality Profiling.
  • English Grammar and Listening Proficiency.
  • Competency in Key VA Knowledge and Skill. Requirements
  • Typing Speed and Accuracy.
  • Project Management Assessment.
  • Live Projects- Candidates must complete multiple test assignments over a range of creative and technical skills to evaluate proactive thinking, speed of understanding and level of adaptability to tools and technology.
  • Interviews– Candidates must prepare for and pass one-on-one interviews and evaluations by 4 members of our team as a final confirmation of ability.

Our Signature Virtual Assistant Bootcamp

Once a candidate passes our recruitment and vetting process, they enter into our VA Bootcamp where we get them prepared for onboarding when a new Client is engaged that we feel is a match for the VA. During the bootcamp we cover:

  • General Communications Training.
  • Effective Feedback Training.
  • Technical Tasks and Tools Training.

Process to Match Clients with
an Ideal Virtual Assistant

Every Client is unique so we perform a detailed assessment to determine where a VA can take over tasks and functions that are critical to free up your time so that you can focus on your highest return activities. We ensure your new VA is a match and fit for your industry, requirements and personality.

Signature Client Assessment Process

We have a proven audit to get full clarity on:
  • What low-value, current activities are consuming your time.
  • What higher-value tasks are on the “radar” that you want to be engaging and how a VA can accelerate those initiatives.
  • What tasks are most critical for moving your business forward.
  • What specialized tasks are you currently paying for where we can provide more affordable, high-quality solutions

Rigorous Candidate Selection Process

  • Based on your unique needs, we identify candidates best qualified to be your ideal Virtual Assistant.
  • We conduct a client briefing and internal interview to determine interest match with the best-fit VA candidates.
  • We select the top candidate for your specific needs and arrange an interview.
  • Upon selection of your VA, we finalize engagement terms and determine a start date.

Client Training

  • From our experience, this is a crucial element for success and Clients appreciate we provide this for them.
  • We provide a brief video training for Clients based on best practices for communicating and managing their VA.

Onboarding & Deployment

  • VA collaborates with Client to agree on final working schedule and  preferred communications tools for email, instant messaging and video conferencing.
  • We work with you to identify the top 3-4 tasks your VA can begin rapidly that will have the highest impact and map a specific 90-day plan
  • You and your VA work together daily to accomplish your outlined goals.
  • We provide Outsource Access assistance whenever you need us. You will have a dedicated account manager that will work with you if your needs should change.

Ongoing Support and Talent Development of your VA

  • Outsource Access creates an incredible culture of support and ongoing development for your VA.
  • We hold weekly training sessions to introduce the latest tools and techniques to your VA with practical application
  • We invest in speakers, group outings, holiday parties, training dinners and overall provide an unmatched working experience for your VA to ensure retention and ongoing personal and professional development

Ready to Get Started?

Have a VA of
your own?

Have your own VA? Or want to find a VA on your own? This is the education arm of Outsource Access. Here you will find online courses to support business owners and the Virtual Assistant community.