Are you tired of scouring the internet for reliable and easy to understand business and legal materials?
We were, until we uncovered this absolute business gem!
Think YouTube meets Khan Academy with a healthy mix of business principles and legal resources – all explained on one site.
You have to visit…
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Product Boosting Category: Legal
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What’s the deal?
If you’re looking for short, easy-to-read (or watch) resources about all things business planning, equity financing, or legal, then is the one-stop shop! The content on the site is created by an Atlanta-based professor and attorney and even includes really good stuff for Angel investors. With over a thousand topics covered, 1,000+ short videos, and 4 downloadable texts, this is a must-use tool for managers and entrepreneurs. And, the best part is, there is no sign-up or log-in required!
What’s the mobile story?
The mobile version of the website is streamlined and 100% user-friendly.
How much does it cost?
It’s free!
Plus, the videos on, particularly the legal videos, are currently used as teaching tools in business schools across the country. Try out this newest addictive tool and let us know what you think. Share your best resource from the site with us on Facebook.
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