Achieving Peak Productivity: Virtual Assistants or Artificial Intelligence? - Outsource Access
We Answer the Question of this Generation!

Open the Door to New Possibilities with AI!

Ready to make friends with AI? This edition of Outsource Insider is all about the potential of AI on improving work performance, and how a virtual assistant (and its AI counterpart) can make life easier. With insights from the scientific community, an introduction of an exciting new tool, and an excerpt from our blog on AI and virtual assistants, let’s discuss how our future will look like, with AI by our side!

OA Match Highlight

Congrats to another business owner supported by Filipino Virtual Staff from our team at Outsource Access as we approach 500 on our team!

Welcome aboard Mae! She is supporting a business owners Cassie and Amy, who owns a Healthcare business. She will be involved in Adding Affiliate (ASPIREAFF code), Updating Marketing Scorecard, Editing Videos, Editing Blogs, Drafting Brochures, Creating Testimonial Images using Canva, Merging Recharge Subscriptions.


Mae is a college graduate majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Management. She loves European fashion, flowers, beaches, mountains, and camping!

Our rapid growth at Outsource Access only goes to show that we are doing something right by sticking to our Core Focus, to help entrepreneurial businesses realize their potential by providing a comprehensive & sustainable support team.

Productivity Hacks

Over the years, technology has rapidly advanced far beyond our expectations. In fact, more and more business owners are now looking into the possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and virtual assistants (VAs). Both AI and virtual assistants come with their own sets of advantages and disadvantages where their differences may or may not benefit you. Let’s determine which is best for you!

An AI assistant is a virtual program or application built to understand natural voice commands. They run on a specialized AI program that allows it to complete tasks on your behalf without the need for another staff member to manage them and can be accessed through devices like laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

A Virtual Assistant on the other hand, is an individual contractor who offers administrative services from a remote location. You can outsource them through a virtual assistant company, such as Outsource Access.

With help from AI and VAs, running a business with fewer staff members has become less of a bane and more of a boon. Both can provide your business with plenty of benefits.

Tools to Look Out For

Get Seamless Narration with LMNT AI Voiceover

Finding the right voice for your videos is crucial to get your point across. In creating immersive films, it is sometimes beneficial to add a narration to your clips, so that audiences can better understand the message. LMNT’s AI Voiceover is a tool that helps businesses generate voiceover narrations for videos. This tool is great when you need a quick and easy way to have your videos narrated, without the hassle of finding a voice actor.

You can choose the perfect voice that matches your brand from the variety of options they offer. Simply provide a script to the LMNT, and they will generate a voiceover for you - you can even upload your video to the software, where LMNT will incorporate the narration into the clip seamlessly.

By creating more immersive content, you get to connect more with your audience. Find the voice you need and elevate your videos.

Outsource Access Reads

More often than not, people feel wary when it comes to AI. There’s a fear that it will replace humans due to its fast ability to improve and even learn on its own. However, it has been shown that its capabilities actually benefit humans - and that we should not see it as a threat - but a friend instead. (Albeit that competitive friend.)

Recent studies have shown that AI can boost human performance due to its capacity to train. The study was based on an experiment with chess-computers, one of the frontiers of AI. From that study it was revealed that disadvantaged chess players with inferior skills benefited the most from the computers, as they were able to improve at the game significantly.

This shows us that our concerns are far from reality. AI is a friend to the human race. She may be intimidating but once you get to know her, you’d see that her competitive nature will bring out the best in you.

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  • Ask your VA or get in touch with any Outsource Access personnel to get your referral link
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With the new possibilities of artificial intelligence now at your fingertips, we hope this edition's insights have sparked new ideas for you, your team, and your business. Outsource Access is always here to support every business owner on their journey through the digital landscape.

For more expert insights and assistance, stay tuned, and we'll see you in the next edition!

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Outsource Access 1155 Mt Vernon Hwy NE, Suite 800 Atlanta, Georgia 30338 United States

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