Roofing - Outsource Access

Accelerate with
Outsource Access™

For the Roofing Industry

Accelerate with Outsource Access™ for the Roofing Industry

Performance Acceleration with a Virtual Assistant

In the roofing industry, efficiency and productivity are paramount. Every moment spent on administrative tasks is a moment that could be better utilized elsewhere. That’s where our virtual assistants can make all the difference.

Imagine a world where you no longer have to grapple with data entry, lead management, prospect hunting, or the intricacies of social media outreach. Our virtual assistants handle it all, from compiling a database of potential clients, qualifying leads, and reinvigorating dormant accounts, to engaging with potential customers on social platforms. We excel in precise CRM management, ensuring that your operations run seamlessly.

Our expertise goes beyond basic admin support. Our virtual assistants are skilled in roofing industry analytics, ensuring you’re not just working hard, but working smart. Dive into detailed analyses, generate insightful reports, and make use of predictive trends to stay ahead in the roofing business. Moreover, we understand the art of communication in the roofing industry – whether it’s reaching out to potential clients, crafting follow-up emails, or setting up pivotal meetings.

With Outsource Access virtual assistants, your team can focus solely on what they do best – delivering exceptional roofing services. We handle the tasks they may not enjoy or those they aren’t as efficient at, ultimately leading to a happier and more productive team, streamlined processes, and significant growth in your roofing business. Elevate your roofing industry performance today and unlock the true potential of your team with

Take a look below at some examples of the tasks our virtual assistants can help you do, tailored to the unique needs of the roofing industry. We also create customized industry-specific Acceleration Roadmaps to supercharge your operations.

About Us

Outsource Access is a comprehensive “business process outsourcing” and virtual assistant firm with over 500 employees in the Philippines serving businesses in 70 industries. But what are we really?  Our Clients tell us we are their “Growth Partner” helping them redefine how they scale.  We are proud to have won 6 national and global awards for our commitment to quality and impacting the lives of our staff including recent ranking of #326 on the Inc 5000 for 2023.

We do a customized discovery session with each Client and offer support in every business function including operations, marketing, bookkeeping, sales, HR, admin and executive support. Our staff are all full time and managed employees who are committed to your success with our signature talent and matching, onboarding and detailed OA Playbook process to capture and document every task we execute.  We will be your full turn-key, affordable answer to scale and growth.

Want to Take Next Steps? See a short video tour of our company and process with links to book a complimentary discovery call.

Key Functions We Can Perform for the Roofing Industry


  • Scanning “Nextdoor” Neighborhood Websites for Opportunities and Engagement
    • Regularly monitor “Nextdoor” neighborhood websites to identify roofing project leads and engage with potential clients. This task is important for staying informed about local roofing needs and expanding your client base.
  • Scanning Local Facebook Groups for Opportunities and Engagement
    • Continuously search local Facebook groups for roofing opportunities and engage with community members seeking roofing solutions. Active participation in these groups positions your roofing business as a trusted resource, helping you connect with potential clients.
  • Posting Content and Engaging on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn
    • Consistently create and share relevant roofing content on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to engage with your audience and build brand awareness. This task establishes a strong online presence, reaches a wider audience, and showcases your expertise in the roofing industry.
  • Conducting Email Marketing campaigns to Pitch-not-solds, and Referrals
    • Develop and execute targeted email marketing campaigns to approach leads who haven’t converted and encourage customer referrals. Email marketing is a powerful tool to re-engage with potential clients and harness the potential of satisfied customers in generating referrals.
  • Updating Your Website
    • Regularly refresh and maintain your website with the latest roofing projects, testimonials, and industry updates. A well-maintained website showcases professionalism and builds trust among potential clients, helping your roofing business stand out in the competitive market.
  • Editing Roofing-Related Videos:
    • Create and edit videos showcasing your roofing projects, expertise, and customer testimonials for promotional purposes. High-quality video content serves as a compelling marketing tool, offering potential clients a visual demonstration of your skills and past work, increasing their confidence in choosing your services.


  • Organize and maintain records for compliance with building regs.
    • Ensuring that all records related to compliance with building regulations are organized and kept up-to-date is vital for adhering to legal requirements and ensuring that your roofing projects meet industry standards.
  • Managing Drone Compliance
    • Managing and maintaining compliance with drone regulations, especially if you use drones for roofing inspections and surveys, is crucial for the safe and effective use of this technology in the roofing industry.
  • Overseeing Vendor Management
    • Efficiently overseeing vendor relationships and contracts related to roofing materials and services helps ensure a smooth supply chain, cost control, and timely project delivery.
  • Compliance with 1099 employees
    • Ensuring compliance with tax and legal regulations when working with 1099 contractors in your roofing business, which is necessary to avoid potential legal and financial issues.
  • Researching and Offering Ideas on New Software Technology for Efficiencies
    • Staying updated with the latest software technology trends and researching how they can enhance efficiencies in the roofing industry to allow for more streamlined operations, cost savings, and improved project management.

Sales Acceleration

  • Scheduling Appointments from Incoming Emails
    • Efficiently set appointments based on incoming emails from potential clients or customers. This task is important for prompt and organized appointment booking, demonstrating responsiveness and professionalism, and increasing the likelihood of securing roofing projects.
  • Entering Prospect and Customer Data Accurately and Completely in CRM Systems
    • Carefully input all prospect and customer information into CRM systems with precision and completeness. Accurate and comprehensive data entry is essential for effective customer relationship management, allowing for personalized communication, targeted marketing, and improved customer service.
  • Coordinating with Insurance Companies to Schedule Inspections
    • Collaborate with insurance companies to arrange roofing inspections and assessments. Streamlined coordination with insurance providers is crucial for expediting claims and ensuring timely and proper roofing repairs, benefiting both your clients and your business.
  • Sending Follow-up “Thank You” Cards
    • Send thank-you cards as a gesture of appreciation to clients, partners, or stakeholders. Expressing gratitude through thank-you cards fosters positive relationships, encourages repeat business, and strengthens your company’s reputation.


  • Managing Roofing Project Costs
    • Track and analyze all expenses related to roofing projects, including material costs, labor costs, and overhead expenses. Ensure accurate cost allocation for each project and maintain profitability. Effective cost management helps roofing contractors maintain healthy profit margins, make informed pricing decisions, and budget for upcoming projects.
  • Accounts Payable for Roofing Materials Suppliers
    • Oversee accounts payable, including processing invoices, managing payment schedules, and reconciling accounts with roofing materials suppliers. Timely and accurate payments to suppliers ensure a smooth supply chain, maintain positive supplier relationships, and secure a reliable source of roofing materials.
  • Profitability Analysis for Roofing Services
    • Conduct profitability analysis for different types of roofing services offered, considering factors like labor, materials, and overhead costs. Identify high and low-profit services. This analysis helps roofing contractors make data-driven decisions on service offerings, pricing strategies, and resource allocation.
  • Tax Compliance for Roofing Contractors
    • Ensure that roofing contractors are in compliance with all tax regulations, including income tax, sales tax, and payroll tax. Prepare and file tax returns accurately and on time. Compliance with tax laws minimizes the risk of penalties and legal issues.
  • Financial Analysis and Reporting for Roofing Projects
    • Create financial reports and analyze the profitability and performance of individual roofing projects. Provide insights into project costs, revenue, and potential areas for improvement. Detailed financial analysis and reporting help roofing contractors make informed decisions about project selection, pricing strategies, and resource allocation.


  • Generating Detailed Roofing Project Invoices
    • Create comprehensive invoices for roofing projects, itemizing labor, materials, and any additional services provided. Ensure accuracy and clarity in the invoice details. Detailed invoices provide transparency to roofing customers, demonstrating professionalism and preventing disputes over project costs.
  • Managing Progress Invoices for Long-Term Projects
    • Implement a structured progress invoicing system for long-term roofing projects, with clear milestones and payments tied to project completion stages. Progress invoicing helps maintain a steady cash flow and offers roofing contractors financial stability during extended projects.
  • Handling Supplier Invoices and Payments
    • Process and manage invoices from roofing materials suppliers promptly, verifying accuracy, and adhering to payment terms. Efficient supplier invoice management maintains smooth supply chain operations.
  • Tracking and Collecting Outstanding Customer Payments
    • Monitor and follow up on overdue payments from roofing customers, sending reminders and facilitating payment collections. Timely collection of outstanding payments is essential for maintaining healthy cash flow and ensuring financial stability for roofing contractors.
  • Providing Detailed Invoicing Reports and Statements
    • Generate and share regular invoicing reports and statements with both roofing customers and suppliers. These reports offer a clear overview of financial transactions and account balances which help foster transparency, strengthen professional relationships, and support accurate accounting for both roofing contractors and their business partners.


  • Implementing a Systematic Collections Process for Overdue Payments
    • Develop and maintain a structured collections process for following up on overdue payments from roofing customers. This process should include a series of reminders, notices, and escalation steps. A systematic collections process helps roofing contractors maintain healthy cash flow.
  • Negotiating Payment Terms with Suppliers
    • Engage in effective negotiations with roofing materials suppliers to establish favorable payment terms, aligning payment schedules with project cash flows. Negotiating favorable payment terms with suppliers contributes to better cash flow management and ensures that payment schedules are in sync with project-related expenses.
  • Monitoring and Resolving Billing Discrepancies
    • Continuously monitor invoices and billing statements to identify discrepancies or errors, and promptly resolve any billing issues with customers or suppliers. Identifying and addressing billing discrepancies ensures accurate accounting, maintains trust with business partners, and reduces potential disputes.
  • Managing Lien Filings for Unpaid Roofing Projects
    • Oversee the process of filing mechanics’ liens for unpaid roofing projects, following legal requirements and deadlines. Filing mechanics’ liens helps roofing contractors secure their right to payment and serves as a powerful tool to encourage payment from non-compliant customers.
  • Utilizing Collection Agencies for Persistent Delinquent Accounts
    • Managing partnerships with collection agencies when dealing with consistently delinquent customer accounts, providing them with necessary account information and supporting the collections process.

Want to Take Next Steps? See a short video tour of our company and process with links to book a complimentary discovery call.