Addictive Tools – ReSci - Outsource Access

Addictive Tools – ReSci

Having a hard time connecting with the latest trends in email marketing? Online users and consumers keep evolving, I make sure that my business keeps up with them. Thankful for this tool’s artificial intelligence keeping track of their ever-changing habits. As they would say, evolving customers need evolving marketers.

The featured addictive tool of the week is one of my favorites, Retention Science! It’s an email marketing tool that offers an intelligent lifecycle marketing automation, giving you more to achieve in less time. This’ll allow you to say goodbye to drips and series!

Addictive Tool Name: Retention Science

Product Boosting Category: Email Marketing Automation


What’s the deal?

Retention Science (or ReSci for short) is an email marketing automation that uses artificial intelligence to guide you with every update and feature, promising to outperform rules-driven campaigns. Two of its key main features are predictive analysis and customer data platform (CDP).

ReSci promises to give you over 7 billion predictions each day. Their AI identifies hidden patterns in customers’ data to guide impactful data-driven decisions, predicting each customer’s purchasing intent, affinity towards a specific product, where they are in the purchasing cycle, and more.

A number of famous celebrities use this tool as well, helping them carry out their brand – Will Smith, Sarah Michelle Geller, and Tom Brady to name a few. Check out ReSci’s website for a downloadable guide to help you with the experience.


One of the best things about ReSci is its availability to schedule a demo. It wants to somehow prove that it is going to help you personally. Even its pricing wants to fit every user – that’s why their price sensitivity incentive optimization comes in handy!

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Brad and The Brad Stevens Training Team

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